Thursday, October 25, 2007


Dear Senator:

I am flabbergasted at the progress being made in the US congress regarding a bill called HR 2003; otherwise know as the "Ethiopian Democracy and Accountability Act".

This bill, introduced last April by congressman Donald Payne has been nothing but a major campaign of misinformation about the state of democracy in Ethiopia.

Only recently, tens of thousands of prisoners were released including seventy or so opposition party members. This fit was achieved in the most part through the tremendous efforts of Ethiopian elders and many Diaspora Ethiopians. Foreign citizens and governments like the United States were pleased by the outcome of the negotiations that resulted in the release of these prisoners.

Such successful outcomes coming on the eve of our Ethiopian Millennium deserved commendation and encouragement by foreign nations, to continue on the path toward making Ethiopia a united, peaceful and democratic country.

Some may ask if the US congress has over stepped its authority by interfering in a free nation's internal affairs. Ethiopia is not a terrorist state. On the contrary, Ethiopia has clearly demonstrated its unadulterated support for America's war on terrorism.

Some may wonder if the Ethiopian government has used all its resources to educate the US congress about the remarkable step it has made in the last decade, to advance the same democratic values that those citizens of the United States enjoy. Have they used the best PR and lobbying support that is sometimes called for in situations like this?

Those of us in the Diaspora and especially those of us who are tax-paying citizens of this great nation would like to point out to you that we will use all avenues open to us to bring the negative implications of HR 2003 to your attention. We will send e-mails or write letters to our State senators telling them to leave the Ethiopian people alone to solve their own internal affairs by themselves. This we saw them do as part of an Ethiopian Millennium resolution, to resolve their political differences peacefully, guided by the rule of law. We would call upon all Ethiopian Americans of good faith, to help us in this campaign to educate our senators and congress persons.

In the name of democracy and freedom of speech, some former jailed leaders of CUD are openly criticizing the Ethiopian government using language unbecoming of some one who signed a letter of apology for the crimes that he/she were charged with. We feel the misinformation campaign of these former leaders and the uninformed rhetoric of some congressmen like Smith and Payne are causing a palpably painful, pardon the pun, division among Ethiopians abroad and in Ethiopia. This could be a far worse damage to the Ethiopian psyche than the twenty million dollars or so that you are threatening the Ethiopian government with.

We would also like to call upon the Ethiopians Prime Minister to get directly involved in this matter and use all his clout and credibility to talk to State department officials about the genuine efforts made in Ethiopia to bring about peace and stability in the entire Horn of Africa. We encourage him to use his contacts with former Presidents Clinton and Carter and his good working relationships with this administration, to negotiate his way out of this mess called HR 2003.

We will continue to applaud the Ethiopian government for the positive steps it has taken in the recent past toward democratization of its society and encourage it to open doors of communication and negotiations even with the most extreme elements like the OLF and ONLF.

Only through direct and peaceful negotiations, supported by all democratic nations in the world, will Ethiopia be able to resolve its internal political problems. No amount of coercion, arm twisting or carrot and stick policy will influence Ethiopia's resolve to do the right thing.

Let your gift for this Ethiopian Millennium be to avoid discord and discontent among Ethiopians at home and abroad, but instead to commend and reward these peaceful and peace-loving people, without any strings attached.

Please find a few minutes in your busy schedule to talk to me about this urgent issue.

Thank you and God bless.

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