April 20101
In the last five years, I have been involved in the political debate affecting our country, Ethiopia. My interest peaked following the historic 2005 elections and the debacle that followed its outcome. The refusal of the opposition party members to join parliament and head to prison instead, caused me unimaginable grief and loss of hope to what could have been a remarkable achievement in the democratic movement in Ethiopian.
As a combination of luck, pursuit of professional career and family obligation, I was spared the successes or dramatic failures of political players in Ethiopia in the past decades. Except a brief stint in the early ninties, I was an unknown quantity in Diaspora politics. This afforded me an opportunity to explore the Ethiopian political landscape with pure objectivity. I consumed all the writings of Ato Lidetu Ayalew, Dr. Berhanu Nega’s diatribe and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s dissertation on his policy to improve the plight of the Ethiopian farmer. Countless other books on democracy and the numerous articles on the internet became my daily ration. The hundreds of hours I spent in paltalk political rooms educated me on Ethiopian politics more than the opportunity it gave me to polish my public speaking abilities. I met a large number of wonderful Ethiopians and Ethiopian political leaders through this medium. These and my own humble beginnings in Gara Kuffa, gave me a remarkable perspective about my role in Ethiopian politics, in the twilight years of my life.
As I was getting ready to formulate my political opinions and design the path I wanted to follow, I had all the information I needed minus the baggage of previous political junkies.
In addition to freely expressing my feelings on paltalk, radio or television debates, I practiced my desire at becoming a wordsmith through a personal blog and by sending articles to favorable outlets.
My participation in the debates to have the imprisoned political leaders from the 2005 elections released, brought me in close contact with some of the political leaders of EPRDF, both in Ethiopia and in the United States. Not only did these people impress me with their commitment for their political philosophy, but the fiasco that followed the release of the Kinijit leaders, was paramount in my decision to side with EPRDF. From early on, I have articulated, in no uncertain terms, why I supported EPRDF and what my reservations were. I have stood by those reservations, even as I ploughed alongside my EPRDF colleagues.
For someone who has spent over 30 years in the United States of America and become a proud citizen of this fascinating country, I should be the first one to speak about the need for following the principles of democracy and freedom of expression anywhere in the world. I believe in the rule of law and resolving differences through a civil dialogue and the ballot box and not through the use of a bayonet. I will hold all politicians to these same standards and will fight those who believe otherwise. I will leave no stone unturned to express these believes.
These expressions have come at some cost, though inconsequential, to me and my family from early on. A recent castigation by a certain Hana Teffera from Switzerland, and another anonymous individual, came to the attention of my wife and made for an intimate discussion between us. I will spare you the details, but assure you that the above authors made me even more convinced that I have been doing the proper thing all along.
We will not stop here. We will knock at all your doors and challenge you on your own turf. We will not sit idle as VOA, Ethiomedia, Al Mariam or some of the Washington, D.C. airwaves, continue to spew their hate politics toward our Diaspora members and Ethiopians at home. We will not stand still as fake Horn of Africa conferences mislead foreign sponsors to end up with laughable declarations on good governance, peace, security and sustainable development in Ethiopia.
We will not stand aside and watch the likes of Ato Seye Abraha use flagrant language toward our Ethiopian leaders and invite us to war against our Eritrean brothers and sisters. We will not watch as war mongers like Dr. Berhanu Nega, empty the pockets of confused Diaspora members to subsidize their trips abroad.
We will fight the good fight and leave the voting to the people.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
FREEDOM OF SPEECH: The Paradox of its Exercise
Mesfin Ayenew
March 29, 2010
I had remained in hibernation with the exception of few and far apart anonymous scribbling here and there on selected issues judged to be pertinent at the time. My reservation emanated from two basic reasons. One is the obvious necessity to remain outside the fray as I am developing my own capacity in civil society capacity building, advocacy and organizational work. Second, I had felt that an open expression of support or criticism of policy will be counter-productive in an often heated, partisan, and toxic Diaspora discourse. Instead I had chosen to express my views directly through the appropriate channels and mediums. I should mention that I have had misgivings about certain policies of the government of Ethiopia, and yet, I have always been one who sees the glass as half full not half empty.
So you may ask, why not remain anonymous and still write? What changed? For one, despite the challenges ahead, the seeds of democracy have been planted in our country, and the roots have a firm grip. Important and measurable economic progress has been made and the policy frame work for future development appears to be on track. Most importantly, in the past few years the government and the party have increasingly exhibited the desire to solicit and listen to the people’s opinions. Mistakes are readily acknowledged. These changes should be welcomed and deserve support.
Second, there appears to be ferocious and well orchestrated onslaughts to derail the progress made and discredit the achievements accomplished. These attacks have become vicious and frequent at a time when Ethiopia is prepared to hold its fourth national and regional elections. Obviously, these attacks are intended to incite violence and create disorder. This must be opposed categorically.
Having said this let me come back to the issue at hand. My deepest sensibilities and understanding of democratic values were recently caught in the crossfire between the Ethiopian government’s threat to jam VOA Amharic program and the US Department of State’s condemnation of that threat. The news, on the surface of it, incited an inner discomfort about interference with the freedom of speech by Ethiopian authorities. It was therefore, tempting to arrive at a certain conclusion regarding the government’s tolerance for the media or lack thereof. Putting temptation aside, I feel it is important to revisit aspects of the concept of the freedom of speech and its parameters.
To begin with, the essence of free speech is the ability to think and speak freely and to obtain information from others through publications and public discourse without fear of retribution, restriction, or repression by the government. And through free speech, people could come together to achieve political influence, to strengthen their morality, and to help others to become moral and enlightened citizens.
Freedom of speech is the single most important political right of citizens, although private property is required for its operation. Without free speech, no political action or resistance to injustice and oppression would be possible. Without free speech elections would have no meaning at all. The policies of contestants become known to the public and they in turn become responsive to public opinion only by virtue of free speech. Without this freedom it is futile to expect political freedom or consequently economic freedom. The end product of a democratic society is the freedom of speech.
On a more practical plane, freedom of speech serves many functions. One of its most important functions is that decision-making at all levels is preceded by discussion and consideration of a representative range of views. A decision made after adequate consultation is likely to be a better one which less imperfectly mirrors the opinions, interests and needs of all concerned, than a decision taken with little or no consultation. Thus freedom of speech is important at all levels of society.
Furthermore, freedom of speech is perhaps even most important for a government. A government which does not know what the people feel and think is in a dangerous position. The government that muzzles free speech runs a risk of destroying the creative instincts of its citizens. Freedom of speech is also important to governments because when criticisms of a government are freely voiced, the government has the opportunity to respond and to answer unfair comments and criticisms about its actions. On the other hand, when freedom of speech is restricted, rumors, unfair criticisms, comments and downright falsehoods are circulated by word of mouth. These have a habit of spreading across the length and breadth of the country through conversations and surreptitiously circulated writings. The government is in no position to answer to these views, because they are not publicly stated. It is in a government's interest to have criticisms in the public arena, where it can answer its critics and correct its mistakes.
The importance of freedom of speech to both the people and the government cannot be overemphasized. But both have responsibilities in the exercise of this important and inalienable right. A balance must be struck between the ability of individuals to be unrestricted in the free expression of thoughts and ideas, and the need to ensure that governments are able to efficiently carry out their function of administration, law and order, and preserving the rights of individual’s vis-à-vis each other. In a civil society no right to freedom, how so ever invaluable it might be, can be considered absolute, unlimited, or unqualified in all circumstances. The freedom of the media which is an important element of free speech, for instance, like any other freedom recognized under the constitution has to be exercised within reasonable boundaries. The strength and importance of media in a democracy is well recognized. The existence of a free, independent and powerful media is the cornerstone of a democracy. Media is not only a medium to express one’s feelings, opinions and views, but it is also responsible and instrumental in building opinions and views on various topics. However, there are always two sides to a coin. With this increased role and importance attached to the media, the need for its accountability and professionalism in reportage cannot be emphasized enough.
This therefore, raises a legitimate question. When does the government exercise the right to restrict freedom of speech without trampling upon those rights?
I am, for example, opposed to paternalism in general and that of government in particular. But I also believe there are certain instances when intervention is warranted. For example, if a public official is certain that a bridge will collapse; he can stop people from crossing it. If, however, there is only a danger that it could collapse, the people can be warned but not coerced. The decision here depends on the likelihood of a serious outcome; the more certain the danger becomes, the more legitimate the intervention. If we were to take this metaphor to its logical conclusion therefore, it is entirely within its legal boundary for the government to limit, restrict and prevent certain of these rights. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the celebrated United States Supreme court justice in the Schenk vs. US. Ruling affirmed, that, “a government’s act to restrict is legitimate if the speech in question poses a "clear and present danger" — i.e., a risk or threat to safety or to other public interests that is serious and imminent.
In conclusion, was the government of Ethiopia right or wrong in making good on its threat, much less the threat itself? The answer to this will depend on the following fact. Though the Voice of America Amharic program had long standing bias against the current government, the government must present that the programming indeed presents a “clear and present danger”. Not being privy to such concrete information, it will be difficult for me to arrive at that conclusion at this time. However, I can confidently say that the Prime Minister will not put the prestige and reputation of his good office on line, without having the information whose veracity and authenticity can be proven. Assuming that material evidence is present, the government therefore, is within its legal boundary to mitigate the danger posed by irresponsible reporting.
This will bring me to my second point i.e., the reaction of the US Department of State. The State department in its condemnation of Ethiopian government’s decision stated that “…. the decision to jam VOA broadcasts contradicts the Government of Ethiopia’s frequent public commitments to freedom of the press. We note that the Ethiopian Constitution states that all citizens have the right to freedom of expression “without any interference”. It is acceptable and it is within its right for the Department of State to raise concerns on issues it deems detrimental to democratic progress in any country much less with a friend, ally and important partner. It is clear, the long standing bilateral relations between the US and Ethiopia is enduring, vibrant, and based on mutual interest. Yet, the statement in relation to the VOA Amharic program can only be understood in the context of the State’s need to appease some of the opposition elements in Ethiopia, vocal Diaspora in the US, and their supporters in Congress. Otherwise, it is clear to any one that even under the 1st and 14th Amendment of United States Constitution, that guarantee to freedom of speech is understood to impose certain limitations to its exercise.
Without equating the relationship between Ethiopia and US to that of US and Hezbollah, I, as citizen, supported the US government’s decision in 2004 and in 2006 to ban Al Manar and Al Nour known to be the Hezbollah satellite television and radio station respectively primarily for their propaganda material. They were also designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity”. In addition, France, Spain, Germany and other European countries, have imposed similar ban without designating Al Manar or the Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Their sole criterion was the content of the broadcasted materials which was deemed to contain incitement of violence, racist and anti-Semitic programming. These steps taken by both the US and the European countries are indisputably within the bounds of guaranteed freedom of speech. It is done in the interest of protecting their citizens. Therefore, the benefit for the Ethiopian government to make such a legitimate decision should of course be accorded. This not, in any way is to suggest, that the government should have a free ride to trample on freedom of speech based on any flimsy excuse. When and where such concerns are raised, both by the government and other stake holders, the Department of State should take the allegations seriously, investigate them fairly. Should it establish transgression, it is then appropriate to take appropriate course of action. Otherwise, an attempt to gloss over the issue under the veil of lofty pronouncement can be nothing short of disingenuous. The need to appease should not be at the cost of promoting democracy or jeopardizing partnership.
By the way, the State Department should find nothing new in the Diaspora and local opposition’s assertion that everything the Ethiopian government does is evil. These extremists have their parallel in the US as well. It is called THE TEA PARTY, who also sees nothing good in the current US administration.
March 29, 2010
I had remained in hibernation with the exception of few and far apart anonymous scribbling here and there on selected issues judged to be pertinent at the time. My reservation emanated from two basic reasons. One is the obvious necessity to remain outside the fray as I am developing my own capacity in civil society capacity building, advocacy and organizational work. Second, I had felt that an open expression of support or criticism of policy will be counter-productive in an often heated, partisan, and toxic Diaspora discourse. Instead I had chosen to express my views directly through the appropriate channels and mediums. I should mention that I have had misgivings about certain policies of the government of Ethiopia, and yet, I have always been one who sees the glass as half full not half empty.
So you may ask, why not remain anonymous and still write? What changed? For one, despite the challenges ahead, the seeds of democracy have been planted in our country, and the roots have a firm grip. Important and measurable economic progress has been made and the policy frame work for future development appears to be on track. Most importantly, in the past few years the government and the party have increasingly exhibited the desire to solicit and listen to the people’s opinions. Mistakes are readily acknowledged. These changes should be welcomed and deserve support.
Second, there appears to be ferocious and well orchestrated onslaughts to derail the progress made and discredit the achievements accomplished. These attacks have become vicious and frequent at a time when Ethiopia is prepared to hold its fourth national and regional elections. Obviously, these attacks are intended to incite violence and create disorder. This must be opposed categorically.
Having said this let me come back to the issue at hand. My deepest sensibilities and understanding of democratic values were recently caught in the crossfire between the Ethiopian government’s threat to jam VOA Amharic program and the US Department of State’s condemnation of that threat. The news, on the surface of it, incited an inner discomfort about interference with the freedom of speech by Ethiopian authorities. It was therefore, tempting to arrive at a certain conclusion regarding the government’s tolerance for the media or lack thereof. Putting temptation aside, I feel it is important to revisit aspects of the concept of the freedom of speech and its parameters.
To begin with, the essence of free speech is the ability to think and speak freely and to obtain information from others through publications and public discourse without fear of retribution, restriction, or repression by the government. And through free speech, people could come together to achieve political influence, to strengthen their morality, and to help others to become moral and enlightened citizens.
Freedom of speech is the single most important political right of citizens, although private property is required for its operation. Without free speech, no political action or resistance to injustice and oppression would be possible. Without free speech elections would have no meaning at all. The policies of contestants become known to the public and they in turn become responsive to public opinion only by virtue of free speech. Without this freedom it is futile to expect political freedom or consequently economic freedom. The end product of a democratic society is the freedom of speech.
On a more practical plane, freedom of speech serves many functions. One of its most important functions is that decision-making at all levels is preceded by discussion and consideration of a representative range of views. A decision made after adequate consultation is likely to be a better one which less imperfectly mirrors the opinions, interests and needs of all concerned, than a decision taken with little or no consultation. Thus freedom of speech is important at all levels of society.
Furthermore, freedom of speech is perhaps even most important for a government. A government which does not know what the people feel and think is in a dangerous position. The government that muzzles free speech runs a risk of destroying the creative instincts of its citizens. Freedom of speech is also important to governments because when criticisms of a government are freely voiced, the government has the opportunity to respond and to answer unfair comments and criticisms about its actions. On the other hand, when freedom of speech is restricted, rumors, unfair criticisms, comments and downright falsehoods are circulated by word of mouth. These have a habit of spreading across the length and breadth of the country through conversations and surreptitiously circulated writings. The government is in no position to answer to these views, because they are not publicly stated. It is in a government's interest to have criticisms in the public arena, where it can answer its critics and correct its mistakes.
The importance of freedom of speech to both the people and the government cannot be overemphasized. But both have responsibilities in the exercise of this important and inalienable right. A balance must be struck between the ability of individuals to be unrestricted in the free expression of thoughts and ideas, and the need to ensure that governments are able to efficiently carry out their function of administration, law and order, and preserving the rights of individual’s vis-à-vis each other. In a civil society no right to freedom, how so ever invaluable it might be, can be considered absolute, unlimited, or unqualified in all circumstances. The freedom of the media which is an important element of free speech, for instance, like any other freedom recognized under the constitution has to be exercised within reasonable boundaries. The strength and importance of media in a democracy is well recognized. The existence of a free, independent and powerful media is the cornerstone of a democracy. Media is not only a medium to express one’s feelings, opinions and views, but it is also responsible and instrumental in building opinions and views on various topics. However, there are always two sides to a coin. With this increased role and importance attached to the media, the need for its accountability and professionalism in reportage cannot be emphasized enough.
This therefore, raises a legitimate question. When does the government exercise the right to restrict freedom of speech without trampling upon those rights?
I am, for example, opposed to paternalism in general and that of government in particular. But I also believe there are certain instances when intervention is warranted. For example, if a public official is certain that a bridge will collapse; he can stop people from crossing it. If, however, there is only a danger that it could collapse, the people can be warned but not coerced. The decision here depends on the likelihood of a serious outcome; the more certain the danger becomes, the more legitimate the intervention. If we were to take this metaphor to its logical conclusion therefore, it is entirely within its legal boundary for the government to limit, restrict and prevent certain of these rights. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the celebrated United States Supreme court justice in the Schenk vs. US. Ruling affirmed, that, “a government’s act to restrict is legitimate if the speech in question poses a "clear and present danger" — i.e., a risk or threat to safety or to other public interests that is serious and imminent.
In conclusion, was the government of Ethiopia right or wrong in making good on its threat, much less the threat itself? The answer to this will depend on the following fact. Though the Voice of America Amharic program had long standing bias against the current government, the government must present that the programming indeed presents a “clear and present danger”. Not being privy to such concrete information, it will be difficult for me to arrive at that conclusion at this time. However, I can confidently say that the Prime Minister will not put the prestige and reputation of his good office on line, without having the information whose veracity and authenticity can be proven. Assuming that material evidence is present, the government therefore, is within its legal boundary to mitigate the danger posed by irresponsible reporting.
This will bring me to my second point i.e., the reaction of the US Department of State. The State department in its condemnation of Ethiopian government’s decision stated that “…. the decision to jam VOA broadcasts contradicts the Government of Ethiopia’s frequent public commitments to freedom of the press. We note that the Ethiopian Constitution states that all citizens have the right to freedom of expression “without any interference”. It is acceptable and it is within its right for the Department of State to raise concerns on issues it deems detrimental to democratic progress in any country much less with a friend, ally and important partner. It is clear, the long standing bilateral relations between the US and Ethiopia is enduring, vibrant, and based on mutual interest. Yet, the statement in relation to the VOA Amharic program can only be understood in the context of the State’s need to appease some of the opposition elements in Ethiopia, vocal Diaspora in the US, and their supporters in Congress. Otherwise, it is clear to any one that even under the 1st and 14th Amendment of United States Constitution, that guarantee to freedom of speech is understood to impose certain limitations to its exercise.
Without equating the relationship between Ethiopia and US to that of US and Hezbollah, I, as citizen, supported the US government’s decision in 2004 and in 2006 to ban Al Manar and Al Nour known to be the Hezbollah satellite television and radio station respectively primarily for their propaganda material. They were also designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity”. In addition, France, Spain, Germany and other European countries, have imposed similar ban without designating Al Manar or the Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Their sole criterion was the content of the broadcasted materials which was deemed to contain incitement of violence, racist and anti-Semitic programming. These steps taken by both the US and the European countries are indisputably within the bounds of guaranteed freedom of speech. It is done in the interest of protecting their citizens. Therefore, the benefit for the Ethiopian government to make such a legitimate decision should of course be accorded. This not, in any way is to suggest, that the government should have a free ride to trample on freedom of speech based on any flimsy excuse. When and where such concerns are raised, both by the government and other stake holders, the Department of State should take the allegations seriously, investigate them fairly. Should it establish transgression, it is then appropriate to take appropriate course of action. Otherwise, an attempt to gloss over the issue under the veil of lofty pronouncement can be nothing short of disingenuous. The need to appease should not be at the cost of promoting democracy or jeopardizing partnership.
By the way, the State Department should find nothing new in the Diaspora and local opposition’s assertion that everything the Ethiopian government does is evil. These extremists have their parallel in the US as well. It is called THE TEA PARTY, who also sees nothing good in the current US administration.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Tragicomedy of the anti-sanctions demonstrations by the Eritrean Diaspora.
March 4, 2010
From the outset, let us be very clear about the important points in the UN Resolution, which passed by a vote of 13-1, as a result of Eritrea’s refusal to withdraw its troops following conflict with Djibouti and arming groups undermining peace and reconciliation in Somalia.
Resolution 1907 (2009) stipulates:
1. Arms embargo.
2. Travel restrictions, and
3. Asset Freezes.
When you breakdown the above statements, it means that the resolution bans weapon sales to and from Eritrea, which has been known to supply weapons to opponents of the Somali government, including the Islamist insurgent group Al-Shabaab. It also imposes an asset freeze, and restricts the travel of those who violate the terms of the embargo and impede the resolution of the border conflict with Djibouti -- including black-listed individuals from Eritrea's political and military leadership.
Before these sanctions were imposed, there were endless talks and countless threats thereof for years in the unlikely hope that the Asmara regime would come to its senses where it did not have any. Its direct involvement in war torn Somalia and reckless encroachment into Djibouti demanded punitive action. It should be remembered thatthese sanctions are selective and do not target the economy or trade, to minimize its impact on the population at large.
The defiance of the Eritrea leadership could not have come any sooner. It instructed its diplomats abroad to blame the US, Britain and Ethiopia among others for this resolution and to go on the “offensive” by labeling the resolution "fabricated lies mainly concocted by the Ethiopian regime and the U.S. administration."Esaias Afewerki’s Al Jazeera interview, which predated the Diaspora anti-sanction demonstrations,was full of words like “lies”, “fabrications”, “cover ups”, “jokes”, “fantasy”, “deliberate distortion of facts”, “ never” done this or that, and placing blame on the US, Britain, France and Ethiopia. The journalist herself was not spared from being labeled as a fabricator of lies, putting to question her journalistic credibility. This interview would have been passed as comical and goofy, if it were not a response by Eritrea’s leader to very serious questions raised by the international community.
It would also have been discarded as another aha moment exposing the egomaniacal personality of Esaias Afewerki. However, the Eritrean Diaspora’s anti-sanction demonstrations was impacted by the Eritrean leadership which told its Diaspora members that they will not be considered Eritreans if they did not take part in these demonstrations. The implications are clear. Your family members and businesses in Eritrea will suffer if you did not take part in the protests.
These threats were taken very seriously by those few whose interests are intertwined with that of the regime in Eritrea. But, the best they could show for in the Washington, D.C. demonstrations was no more than 1,000 supporters, most of them allegedly bused-in from other states. There were very few foreigners and Ethiopian nationals were conspicuously absent from this demonstration. However, the sad part of this particular demonstration was the presence of several young children, who were potentially in harm’s way, if riots were to break. Although the freedom to protest is a basic human right in democratic countries, unlike in Eritrea, exposing these children to dangerous situations is tantamount to child abuse. What was more tragic was the choice of an 8 year old boy, to be the main spokesperson of the demonstration. This smart looking child, with a good mastery of the English language, was given the entire stage to spew very choice words for the United Nations and President Barrack Obama. You can see that he was well-coached and told to memorize his speech.
Is this how low we have fallen? Are we so incapable of articulating our differences on the adult forums that we subject our young to brainwashing and outright abuse for our selfish motives?
My hope is that our Eritrean brothers and sisters in the Diaspora will be able to see through this charade by Esaias Afeworki and his elk and that the sanctions will give them yet another opportunity to rally against the dictator in Eritrea.
In the meantime, U.N. member states are urged by the resolution to conduct inspections on suspicious sea and air shipments “to and from Somalia and Eritrea.”The regime´s notorious leaders will now have no additional arms to play with, their travels abroad will be banned and their bank accounts will be frozen. This will give a fresh opportunity and ammunition for Eritrean opposition forces and civil society members to weaken the regime in Asmara. Foreign investors and nations will realize the negative consequences of dealing with a ruthless and inept regime and will shy away from investing in Eritrea.
Let us vow to support the heroic peoples of Eritrea, who will soon see their independence and freedom that they have fought for many decades.
From the outset, let us be very clear about the important points in the UN Resolution, which passed by a vote of 13-1, as a result of Eritrea’s refusal to withdraw its troops following conflict with Djibouti and arming groups undermining peace and reconciliation in Somalia.
Resolution 1907 (2009) stipulates:
1. Arms embargo.
2. Travel restrictions, and
3. Asset Freezes.
When you breakdown the above statements, it means that the resolution bans weapon sales to and from Eritrea, which has been known to supply weapons to opponents of the Somali government, including the Islamist insurgent group Al-Shabaab. It also imposes an asset freeze, and restricts the travel of those who violate the terms of the embargo and impede the resolution of the border conflict with Djibouti -- including black-listed individuals from Eritrea's political and military leadership.
Before these sanctions were imposed, there were endless talks and countless threats thereof for years in the unlikely hope that the Asmara regime would come to its senses where it did not have any. Its direct involvement in war torn Somalia and reckless encroachment into Djibouti demanded punitive action. It should be remembered thatthese sanctions are selective and do not target the economy or trade, to minimize its impact on the population at large.
The defiance of the Eritrea leadership could not have come any sooner. It instructed its diplomats abroad to blame the US, Britain and Ethiopia among others for this resolution and to go on the “offensive” by labeling the resolution "fabricated lies mainly concocted by the Ethiopian regime and the U.S. administration."Esaias Afewerki’s Al Jazeera interview, which predated the Diaspora anti-sanction demonstrations,was full of words like “lies”, “fabrications”, “cover ups”, “jokes”, “fantasy”, “deliberate distortion of facts”, “ never” done this or that, and placing blame on the US, Britain, France and Ethiopia. The journalist herself was not spared from being labeled as a fabricator of lies, putting to question her journalistic credibility. This interview would have been passed as comical and goofy, if it were not a response by Eritrea’s leader to very serious questions raised by the international community.
It would also have been discarded as another aha moment exposing the egomaniacal personality of Esaias Afewerki. However, the Eritrean Diaspora’s anti-sanction demonstrations was impacted by the Eritrean leadership which told its Diaspora members that they will not be considered Eritreans if they did not take part in these demonstrations. The implications are clear. Your family members and businesses in Eritrea will suffer if you did not take part in the protests.
These threats were taken very seriously by those few whose interests are intertwined with that of the regime in Eritrea. But, the best they could show for in the Washington, D.C. demonstrations was no more than 1,000 supporters, most of them allegedly bused-in from other states. There were very few foreigners and Ethiopian nationals were conspicuously absent from this demonstration. However, the sad part of this particular demonstration was the presence of several young children, who were potentially in harm’s way, if riots were to break. Although the freedom to protest is a basic human right in democratic countries, unlike in Eritrea, exposing these children to dangerous situations is tantamount to child abuse. What was more tragic was the choice of an 8 year old boy, to be the main spokesperson of the demonstration. This smart looking child, with a good mastery of the English language, was given the entire stage to spew very choice words for the United Nations and President Barrack Obama. You can see that he was well-coached and told to memorize his speech.
Is this how low we have fallen? Are we so incapable of articulating our differences on the adult forums that we subject our young to brainwashing and outright abuse for our selfish motives?
My hope is that our Eritrean brothers and sisters in the Diaspora will be able to see through this charade by Esaias Afeworki and his elk and that the sanctions will give them yet another opportunity to rally against the dictator in Eritrea.
In the meantime, U.N. member states are urged by the resolution to conduct inspections on suspicious sea and air shipments “to and from Somalia and Eritrea.”The regime´s notorious leaders will now have no additional arms to play with, their travels abroad will be banned and their bank accounts will be frozen. This will give a fresh opportunity and ammunition for Eritrean opposition forces and civil society members to weaken the regime in Asmara. Foreign investors and nations will realize the negative consequences of dealing with a ruthless and inept regime and will shy away from investing in Eritrea.
Let us vow to support the heroic peoples of Eritrea, who will soon see their independence and freedom that they have fought for many decades.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
ከፍርሃት ነፃ መውጣት
ከፊልስ ከርክ
ትርጉም - ከዋሸራ
Sunday, January 17, 2010
በዘመናችን የሰው ልጅ ዕድሜ ሰባ-አምስት ዓመት ገደማ ነው ብለን ብንቀበል በቅርቡ ሲሶውን ዕድሜዬን አገባድጄዋለሁ ማለት ነው። ሆን ብዬ ያለፈውን ህይወቴን ስቃኘውና ስመረምረው ብዙ አዳዲስ ግኝቶች ታይተውኛል። ብዙዎቹ ተስፋ ሰጪና የሚያስደስቱም ናቸው። በጣም የሚያስደነግጠው ነገር ግን የመጀመሪያውን የህይወቴን ክፍል በሙሉ ፍራቻ ማሳለፌና የተረፈውን ጊዜ ደግሞ እነዛን ፍራቻዎቼን ከሰው የምደብቅበትን ብልሃትና ጥበብ ስማርና ሳጠና ማሳለፌ ነው። የዚህ ድርጊቴ አሳዛኙ ክፍል፣ አለመፍራቴን ለሰዎች ለማሳወቅ የወሰድኩት የድለላ ተግባር መልሶ እራሴን መደለሉ ነው።
ፍርሃት በህይወቴ ውስጥ ያሳደረውን ትልቅ ተጽዕኖ ድንገት በተገነዘብኩበት ጊዜ ይህ ነው የማይባል ድንጋጤ አደረብኝ። ምክንያቱም ለህይወት ያለኝ ፍቅር መጠን የሌለውና ህይወትን ለመኖር የሚያስፈልጉትን ሙከራዎች በሙሉ ስራ ላይ የማዋል የፀና እምነት ስላለኝ ነው። ለፍርሃት በምናጎበድድበት ጊዜ የግላችንን ኑሮ ያለፍርሃት በመኖር የምናበርክተውን የሰውን ልጅ ህይወት ትርጉምና ዋጋ የመስጠት ሃላፊነት እንገድበዋልን የሚል የጠበቀ እምነትም አለኝ። በህይወት ኑሮአችን ጊዜ ለራሳችን ብቻ ሳይሆን ለርስበርሳችንም ጭምር ትልቅ ሃላፊነት አለብን ብዬ አምናለሁ።
ፍርሃት አለመቻቻልንና አግባብ የሌለው ጥላቻን እንድንፈጽም ከማድረጉ ባሻገር በጣም የሚያሳዝነውና እንደ ከባድ ወንጀል ሊቆጠር የሚገባው ድርጊቱ ለውጥን የመቀበል ችሎታችንን የመስበር ሀይሉ ነው ብዬ አምናለሁ። ፍርሃት የለውጥን ተፈጥሮአዊነትና ለውጥ የዕውቀትና የዕድገት ፍሬ መሆኑን እንድንዘነጋ ያደርገናል። የለመድነውና የማያሰጋ የሚመስለን ነገር ላይ እንድንጣበቅ ይገፋፋናል። በአንድ ዳሰሳ የማናውቀውን እንድንጎዳና ፍርደ-ገምድል እንድንሆን ይጋብዘናል። በፍርሀት ወጥመድ ውስጥ ሆነን የውጭን ፍቅር ለራሳችን ብቻ ስናሳድድ ውስጣችን ያለውን ፍቅር እንድንረሳ ያደርገናል።
በመፍራት የሃይማኖት ቤታችንን በር እንዘጋለን የአባሎቻችንንም መጠን እንወስናል። የምናውቀውን ዜማ ለማዜም ፈቃደኛ የሆነውን ሰው እንጠጋለን። የራስን ችግር አውቆና እምነትን በማጠናከር ጥሩ ምግባርን የበላይነት ቦታ ከሚሰጥ ይልቅ የምናመልክበትን ስርዓትና የአምላኪውን አምላክ ስም የበለጠ ከብሬታ እንሰጠዋለን።
በልጅነታችን የወላጆቻችንን ራዕየ-ቢስ የሆነ አግባብ የሌለው ስርዓት እንድንናውቅ እንደረጋለን። እኛም በተራችን ለልጆቻችን ይሄንኑ ወይም ይሄንኑ መሰል በፍርሃት የተመሰረተና የታጠረ ስርዓት እናስተምራቸዋለን። እኔ የማይፈራ የራሴ የሆነ ልጅ እፈልጋለሁ። የሱ ከፍርሃት ነፃ መሆን ግን ከኔ ይጀምራል ብዬ አምናለሁ። ምክንያቱም የግሌን ህይወት ያለፍርሃት በመኖር ለህይወት በሙሉ ያለኝን ሃላፊነት እወጣዋለሁ የሚል ፅኑ ዕምነት ስላለኝ ጭምር ነው። ልጁ ውስጤ ገና ስላልተጸነሰ የትላንትናውን ስህተት ለመቐቐም ዛሬ በቂ ዕድገት ማሳየት አለብኝ ብዬ አምናለሁ።
ነገ ተስፋ ያለው ቀን መሆኑንም አምናለሁ። ነገ ይህንን ዓይነት ተስፋ ካለው ከዛሬ የተለየ በመሆኑ ነገን መፍራት የለብኝም። በማውቀውም ሆነ መፍራት በሌለብኝ በማላውቀው ነገር ሁሉ ዳግመኛ ላለመፍራት ትልቅ ጥረት ማድረግ እንዳለብኝ አምናለሁ። ሁላችንም ጥፋት አጥፍተናል፤ ሁላችንም ብቸኛ ነን። ጥፋተኛም ሆንን ብቸኛ ሁላችንም በዚች ዓለም ላይ አብረን ነዋሪዎች ነን።
ትርጉም - ከዋሸራ
Sunday, January 17, 2010
በዘመናችን የሰው ልጅ ዕድሜ ሰባ-አምስት ዓመት ገደማ ነው ብለን ብንቀበል በቅርቡ ሲሶውን ዕድሜዬን አገባድጄዋለሁ ማለት ነው። ሆን ብዬ ያለፈውን ህይወቴን ስቃኘውና ስመረምረው ብዙ አዳዲስ ግኝቶች ታይተውኛል። ብዙዎቹ ተስፋ ሰጪና የሚያስደስቱም ናቸው። በጣም የሚያስደነግጠው ነገር ግን የመጀመሪያውን የህይወቴን ክፍል በሙሉ ፍራቻ ማሳለፌና የተረፈውን ጊዜ ደግሞ እነዛን ፍራቻዎቼን ከሰው የምደብቅበትን ብልሃትና ጥበብ ስማርና ሳጠና ማሳለፌ ነው። የዚህ ድርጊቴ አሳዛኙ ክፍል፣ አለመፍራቴን ለሰዎች ለማሳወቅ የወሰድኩት የድለላ ተግባር መልሶ እራሴን መደለሉ ነው።
ፍርሃት በህይወቴ ውስጥ ያሳደረውን ትልቅ ተጽዕኖ ድንገት በተገነዘብኩበት ጊዜ ይህ ነው የማይባል ድንጋጤ አደረብኝ። ምክንያቱም ለህይወት ያለኝ ፍቅር መጠን የሌለውና ህይወትን ለመኖር የሚያስፈልጉትን ሙከራዎች በሙሉ ስራ ላይ የማዋል የፀና እምነት ስላለኝ ነው። ለፍርሃት በምናጎበድድበት ጊዜ የግላችንን ኑሮ ያለፍርሃት በመኖር የምናበርክተውን የሰውን ልጅ ህይወት ትርጉምና ዋጋ የመስጠት ሃላፊነት እንገድበዋልን የሚል የጠበቀ እምነትም አለኝ። በህይወት ኑሮአችን ጊዜ ለራሳችን ብቻ ሳይሆን ለርስበርሳችንም ጭምር ትልቅ ሃላፊነት አለብን ብዬ አምናለሁ።
ፍርሃት አለመቻቻልንና አግባብ የሌለው ጥላቻን እንድንፈጽም ከማድረጉ ባሻገር በጣም የሚያሳዝነውና እንደ ከባድ ወንጀል ሊቆጠር የሚገባው ድርጊቱ ለውጥን የመቀበል ችሎታችንን የመስበር ሀይሉ ነው ብዬ አምናለሁ። ፍርሃት የለውጥን ተፈጥሮአዊነትና ለውጥ የዕውቀትና የዕድገት ፍሬ መሆኑን እንድንዘነጋ ያደርገናል። የለመድነውና የማያሰጋ የሚመስለን ነገር ላይ እንድንጣበቅ ይገፋፋናል። በአንድ ዳሰሳ የማናውቀውን እንድንጎዳና ፍርደ-ገምድል እንድንሆን ይጋብዘናል። በፍርሀት ወጥመድ ውስጥ ሆነን የውጭን ፍቅር ለራሳችን ብቻ ስናሳድድ ውስጣችን ያለውን ፍቅር እንድንረሳ ያደርገናል።
በመፍራት የሃይማኖት ቤታችንን በር እንዘጋለን የአባሎቻችንንም መጠን እንወስናል። የምናውቀውን ዜማ ለማዜም ፈቃደኛ የሆነውን ሰው እንጠጋለን። የራስን ችግር አውቆና እምነትን በማጠናከር ጥሩ ምግባርን የበላይነት ቦታ ከሚሰጥ ይልቅ የምናመልክበትን ስርዓትና የአምላኪውን አምላክ ስም የበለጠ ከብሬታ እንሰጠዋለን።
በልጅነታችን የወላጆቻችንን ራዕየ-ቢስ የሆነ አግባብ የሌለው ስርዓት እንድንናውቅ እንደረጋለን። እኛም በተራችን ለልጆቻችን ይሄንኑ ወይም ይሄንኑ መሰል በፍርሃት የተመሰረተና የታጠረ ስርዓት እናስተምራቸዋለን። እኔ የማይፈራ የራሴ የሆነ ልጅ እፈልጋለሁ። የሱ ከፍርሃት ነፃ መሆን ግን ከኔ ይጀምራል ብዬ አምናለሁ። ምክንያቱም የግሌን ህይወት ያለፍርሃት በመኖር ለህይወት በሙሉ ያለኝን ሃላፊነት እወጣዋለሁ የሚል ፅኑ ዕምነት ስላለኝ ጭምር ነው። ልጁ ውስጤ ገና ስላልተጸነሰ የትላንትናውን ስህተት ለመቐቐም ዛሬ በቂ ዕድገት ማሳየት አለብኝ ብዬ አምናለሁ።
ነገ ተስፋ ያለው ቀን መሆኑንም አምናለሁ። ነገ ይህንን ዓይነት ተስፋ ካለው ከዛሬ የተለየ በመሆኑ ነገን መፍራት የለብኝም። በማውቀውም ሆነ መፍራት በሌለብኝ በማላውቀው ነገር ሁሉ ዳግመኛ ላለመፍራት ትልቅ ጥረት ማድረግ እንዳለብኝ አምናለሁ። ሁላችንም ጥፋት አጥፍተናል፤ ሁላችንም ብቸኛ ነን። ጥፋተኛም ሆንን ብቸኛ ሁላችንም በዚች ዓለም ላይ አብረን ነዋሪዎች ነን።
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Freedom From Fear
Phyllis Kirk - Hollywood, California
If it is accepted that the life span of the human being of our time averages approximately seventy-five years, I will, in a short while, reach the end of what may be the first third of my life. In the course of deliberately walking into the past of myself I’ve made many discoveries, some of them encouraging, even happy ones. But it disturbs me deeply to also discover that I’ve spent so much of this first portion of my life being afraid of almost everything and that I have spent so much of the remaining time in learning the myriad tricks there are by which one may hide one’s fear from others. It disturbs me to realize that in the seemingly harmless act of deluding others into believing me to be unafraid, I have also deluded myself.
The sudden awareness of the enormous part which fear has played in my living has been particularly shocking to me because I’ve always thought that I loved life in its fullest sense of loving it as I could, and I’ve always thought that I believed intensely in the experiment of living it. I believe that when we permit ourselves to fear, we negate the chance we are each given to contribute through the unique patterns of our respective lives to the meaning and validity of all life. I believe that in merely being alive we have a tremendous responsibility, and that the responsibility is not only to our separate selves but to one another.
I believe it is in fear that we commit the crimes of intolerance and prejudice and what seems to me to be perhaps the saddest, most grave crime of all, our resistance to change. Afraid, we fail to see that the change is the natural and good fruit of knowledge and growth. We cling to the familiar because it is familiar and seems, therefore, to be secure. We butcher the unfamiliar and slaughter justice with the same stroke. Frightened, we seek love only for ourselves and forget to search for love in ourselves.
In fear, we restrict the membership and close the doors of our churches. We court the man who is willing to chant the service least alien to ours. In fear, we make the manner of worship and the name by which a man identifies his god more important than a man’s knowledge of his need, and his striving for faith and a power of good greater than himself.
As children we are taught the visionless prejudices of our parents. We are taught and we, in turn, teach our children perhaps not the same prejudices, but each of them common to one another, for they are born and sustained in fear. I want a child of my own, and I want him to be unafraid. I believe that for him, freedom from fear can have its beginning now in me because I feel so strongly that in the living of my life, I have a responsibility to all life. Because of the child not yet conceived in me, I believe I must grow enough today to face yesterday’s mistakes.
I believe tomorrow is hopeful and that if I am to recognize tomorrow as promising, I must not fear its being different from today. I believe I must try with all I know—and without fear of all I don’t know—to never really be afraid again. Each of us has known guilt; each of us is alone. I believe that guilty and alone, we are all here together.
Actress Phyllis Kirk starred with Vincent Price in the horror film “House of Wax,” and with Peter Lawford in “The Thin Man” television series. She later worked in public relations at CBS. Throughout her career, Kirk was active in various social and civil liberties causes.
If it is accepted that the life span of the human being of our time averages approximately seventy-five years, I will, in a short while, reach the end of what may be the first third of my life. In the course of deliberately walking into the past of myself I’ve made many discoveries, some of them encouraging, even happy ones. But it disturbs me deeply to also discover that I’ve spent so much of this first portion of my life being afraid of almost everything and that I have spent so much of the remaining time in learning the myriad tricks there are by which one may hide one’s fear from others. It disturbs me to realize that in the seemingly harmless act of deluding others into believing me to be unafraid, I have also deluded myself.
The sudden awareness of the enormous part which fear has played in my living has been particularly shocking to me because I’ve always thought that I loved life in its fullest sense of loving it as I could, and I’ve always thought that I believed intensely in the experiment of living it. I believe that when we permit ourselves to fear, we negate the chance we are each given to contribute through the unique patterns of our respective lives to the meaning and validity of all life. I believe that in merely being alive we have a tremendous responsibility, and that the responsibility is not only to our separate selves but to one another.
I believe it is in fear that we commit the crimes of intolerance and prejudice and what seems to me to be perhaps the saddest, most grave crime of all, our resistance to change. Afraid, we fail to see that the change is the natural and good fruit of knowledge and growth. We cling to the familiar because it is familiar and seems, therefore, to be secure. We butcher the unfamiliar and slaughter justice with the same stroke. Frightened, we seek love only for ourselves and forget to search for love in ourselves.
In fear, we restrict the membership and close the doors of our churches. We court the man who is willing to chant the service least alien to ours. In fear, we make the manner of worship and the name by which a man identifies his god more important than a man’s knowledge of his need, and his striving for faith and a power of good greater than himself.
As children we are taught the visionless prejudices of our parents. We are taught and we, in turn, teach our children perhaps not the same prejudices, but each of them common to one another, for they are born and sustained in fear. I want a child of my own, and I want him to be unafraid. I believe that for him, freedom from fear can have its beginning now in me because I feel so strongly that in the living of my life, I have a responsibility to all life. Because of the child not yet conceived in me, I believe I must grow enough today to face yesterday’s mistakes.
I believe tomorrow is hopeful and that if I am to recognize tomorrow as promising, I must not fear its being different from today. I believe I must try with all I know—and without fear of all I don’t know—to never really be afraid again. Each of us has known guilt; each of us is alone. I believe that guilty and alone, we are all here together.
Actress Phyllis Kirk starred with Vincent Price in the horror film “House of Wax,” and with Peter Lawford in “The Thin Man” television series. She later worked in public relations at CBS. Throughout her career, Kirk was active in various social and civil liberties causes.
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